Me and the hubs

Me and the hubs

Monday, February 24, 2014

We get what we put in

I hope everyone had a great weekend!! We had a baseball tournament and great weather down here in Bama so that is just the right ingredients for an awesome weekend! I will admit I was a little bummed we lost our 3rd game (which put us out of the tournament) but with temps in the 70's nothing could get me down long. We have an awesome little ball team this year with some amazing talent so  we will be a force to be reckoned with when season starts. I like that my kids are involved in things that build character and teaches life lessons. I am a you get what you put in type person, or in better words talk is cheap, you reap what you sow, you get the point. If you give it your all with your endeavors in life you will not walk away disappointed. This is a lesson I am working on teaching my kids. They are also reaching the age I am having to let go of the reins a little bit. I remember when I  was 4 or 5 years old hanging out down the street at the local bar. We lived in Iowa at the time and my brother, sister, and I loved to go sit at the Tic Tock and get free water. Sometimes they would even give us rolls which really sweetened the deal. As I reflect back on my childhood the thing I cherish the most was my freedom. Now that doesn't mean I am in any way, shape, or form going to let my kids walk to the nearest bar and hang out, but I do have to let them experience some aspects of life without me hovering over them. This has been very hard for me to do but my kids have relished in it. They have formed hideouts, secret gardens, and found some pretty awesome hidden treasures. Saturday morning they were so excited to show me there new hangout spot. The neighbors across the street have a big grove of bamboo. My kids kept saying they had found a hidden fort and trampoline in there. I honestly thought they were playing around so I was really surprised and impressed when they showed it to me. It was a great lesson to me that I don't give them enough credit and they have to learn to use their wings. We live in the same neighborhood I spent half my life in so yesterday I decided to take my kids to one of my old hideout spots in the woods across the street from us. These woods have a creek that runs through it and flows into the Cahaba River so they are not allowed in their without an adult. So I thought it would be cool to take them there  without realizing how overgrown things get  in 16 years. So this little hike turned into an hour trek though water, vines, and overgrowth all in my flip flops but it was so worth it to listen to the excitement they felt. I almost didn't make this trek with my kids. I was in a really bad mood and almost just sent them out to play. It was such a great reminder to me that we get what we put in. If I had chosen to stay inside I would've sat on FB, watched TV, and probably fallen asleep. I would have wasted a day and most likely gotten in an even worse mood than I already was. I like to be happy and try and make the choice every morning that I am going to have a great day. This does not always work and there are some days that just can't be fixed but push to make your life one worth living, set the standard high for your children. I always say if I can do better than my parents did, and my children do better than we did, and so forth, then our legacy will be a success... I hope all who read this has an awesome day and enjoy this sunshine while it last!!

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