Me and the hubs

Me and the hubs

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Identity crisis: To all the moms and moms to be

To all the Moms (and future moms) let's all bring ourselves to the past, present, or future. It's getting to be time, the time your life is about to change. You have dreamed and imagined this moment for most of your life. It's going to be amazing, and even though your belly is about to explode and all these crazy things have happened with your body you don't care. You are about to have a beautiful baby. He/she is going to make your life complete. It's going to be great, you get to hold them, dress them in the cutest outfits, take them out to show them off, life is going to be perfect from here on out (to all the seasoned moms out there I imagine your chuckling at this point). Haha, oh boy was I a fool!! Don't get me wrong when I first had Bradley my life was roses. I got to hold and snuggle this beautiful boy I was already madly in love with. I even got to push a button every time I needed something. I was the mom who let my newborn sleep in the nursery. Life was amazing for those 2 days. Then we get home and reality sets in. Sleepless nights, eat, poop, pee (sometimes on you), spit up, diaper change, burp, sleep, cry, take care of all the little newborn things, then do it again. Over and over and over again. All the while let's not forget about ourselves. We just gave birth, are trying to recover, constantly engorged, and your hormones are so out of control you barely know who you are anymore. (If this was not you than thank your lucky stars:). Lol, our poor husbands!! Then there is this guilt , why am I feeling this way I just received a gift straight from God Himself. We love this baby so much but can't figure out what's wrong with us. We are having an identity crisis, our lives are no longer our own. We figure it out through, don't we? We change, we stop living for ourself and start living for them. We are the  most unselfish beings on Earth. Now let's fast forward. Are kids are older and we start doing the "mom" things. Park, play dates, ect. We  are around other moms and let's face it constantly beating ourselves up. Always comparing ourselves to each other from parenting styles to  appearances. Why are we so hard on each other?  I get that it's partly in our nature but the bottom line is that we are all the same. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Why is there so much pressure on us in today's society? Do our children really care what designer outfit they have on or whether that kid is bigger than them, smarter than them? No, so why keep adding this added pressure to our already overflowing lives? This is the time to take a lesson from our children. We all hold the highest calling. We are in charge of lives. It is our duty to mold, shape, and teach our children. Let's stop with all the nonsense and support one another.. We are all equally important, key word EQUAL. So as I wrap this up for today remember that. Strive to be what our children think we are, amazing!!


  1. Being a mom is a very challenging job. We just do our very best what we can for the sake of our kids and pray daily for them that their life will be in the straight path.
