Me and the hubs

Me and the hubs

Monday, February 10, 2014

Finally making the plunge

So today I am finally making the plunge. I have been wanting to create a blog for years now and decided to make the jump today, plus I know everyone is just dying to hear from me :). My number one motivating factor in this is for my children. Having lost my Mom and in turn losing such a big part of myself, I would've given anything for my mom to have left behind a journal or something similar for my family and I to remember her by. She is missed so much. So I want to leave something for my kids if something was to ever happen to me and what greater way since we know what's put online stays there (or so they say). My other reason is to reach out to others like me, Moms. We dedicate so much of ourselves to our kids, spouse, and everyone else who is pulling on our coat strings and we forget about ourselves. We sometimes get lost in this "thing we call life". So I'm here to be real with the taboos of society and hopefully to help others on the way. One warning though for all the grammar police out there, if I misspell something that my spell check doesn't pick up on and it takes too long to fix it's going to stay. Fortunately I have much bigger problems than incorrect grammar or punctuation. So that being cleared up I really do hope that through sharing some of my thoughts and experiences in life that I can help and encourage others. Since I am on a time crunch this morning I will briefly share a few things about myself. I was born the 6th child of 11 children (talk about middle child syndrome). All 11 of us are from the same parents and there are no twins. I had an awesome childhood and never remember a time I was alone. My mom was always so proud of all of us, her tombstone reads "parents of 11 children". We were her biggest accomplishment in life. I am married to a great guy (Scott) who has stood by my side for almost 10 years of marriage. I am only 28 so I am super proud of that almost 10 years. Together we have 3 kids and my youngest sister "Siah" who has lived with us for the past 3 years. Bradley my oldest is 7, he's the best son a mom could ask for (of course aren't all of our kids) he is a sweet, sensitive, handsome, talented kid. He is super smart and very creative. He will probably be the one to take care of Scott and I one day. Aubrey  who is 5 is my middle child, she is my mini me. She keeps us laughing, loves babies, likes to take care of others, gives lots of love, and has a great heart. She has already started putting on her own makeup (and is surprisingly good at it) but can take care of herself. I see a lot of myself in her. Abigail who's 3 is my baby. Sweet, fun loving, biggest daddy's girl around, and has a great imagination. She is always pretending to be someone else and loves to make us laugh. Sariah who's 16 is my baby sister. She beautiful, smart, thinks she's a professional race car driver, and loves boys (granted who didn't at that age). She is an honor roll student and we are very proud of her. While my life is so far from perfect , my family is. They are perfect for me, they make my world go round and give the best roller coaster rides. That's what life is all about though, enjoying the ride....

1 comment:

  1. Quote from your Mom... "Sometimes you just gotta live life on the wild side!" As she was driving so crazy up your street. Hahaha. Love you Jdawg!!
