Me and the hubs

Me and the hubs

Friday, May 2, 2014


It is so amazing to me how everything in life is set in place for a reason. Had someone not casually mentioned something, had I not went with my gut (I've made that mistake many of times in my life), one maybe two years down the road I would've been in a fight for my life. I can't tell you how much the thought of that has crushed me to my being. Not for me but for my husband and children. The thought of them growing up without me pains me to no end. I know what it's like to lose a mother. To not have someone for my children at Grandparents day or to be there cheeriing them on at baseball or whatever endeavors they choose to do. I know what it's like to loose a piece of my soul, to bury someone that I loved dearly. It's a pain I don't want my kids to deal with until later in life when they have a spouse and children of their own to comfort them. That alone saved my life. These and many more  are the reasons I know how extremely blessed I am that the doctor was able to remove all the cancer off my side. I finally got the call on Wednesday that the margins around the skin they cut out was clear. God and God alone has given me an extension on life and for that I owe it to Him to strive to be the best wife, mother, and friend that I can. When I got into the room to do my surgery the doctor drew quite a large football shape on me, apologized for the size, but said it was nessasary to save my life. It was a very small price to pay. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for all the prayers, texts, emails, msgs, meals, taking care of my kids when I couldn't, and  so much more. I shared my experience only to educate others on  how serious skin protectection and prevention are.  Also that others can learn from me rather than the hard way. I should have known better  than to think that all the amazing people in my life and the awesome community I live in would only just take the warning. The amount of love and support has been amazing. I will never forget the kindness that was shown  and will be looking for the opportunity to pay it back. Thank you to all that shared my blog. It was read by thousands of people and if one life can be spared as mine was it will all be worth it. I have already had several people tell me they set up their appointments to get checked and some have already been. That alone has made this worth it. I am so happy to be getting back into my normal groove and feeling like myself again. I can't wait to get my feet back on the pavement next week to start running again. It has become my lifeline to sanity. We can not control what happens to us nor the trials that are placed in  our way, but we can control what we  do with them and the person they make us become. Here's to a new day and a new beginning. If I can't get it right today I shall try again tomorrow.